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Friendships and Fun Activities! - FAS M/W/F PM Class

It has been an amazing few weeks getting to know each other and already we are on our way to a great start.  The children are settling into their classroom and friendships have begun.  We are learning a little more about each other as we spend time together playing, creating art, and learning about ourselves.

During art, we have drawn our self-portraits.  We used mirrors to help us draw ourselves.  Our self -portraits will soon be up on our board out front.  We also created some leaf prints with potato stamps.  We discovered that less was more when using the paint.  Some of the children decided it was much better to actual use the potato as a paint brush rather than a stamp.  The beauty of art is how ones outcome is so different from the next person even if you set out the same materials for everyone.  An activity that showcases individuality is a great learning moment of acceptance and pride in one self.


Another activity that the children enjoyed recently was baking.  We discussed safety rules before we begun baking in the kitchen and then we talked about the ingredients we were using.  The children enjoyed the hands on part of the activity.  We touched on some counting and measuring and most importantly, learning to take turns and being patient.  We are looking forward to cooking more together soon. 

Until next time, Deanna


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