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Discovery Walk - 4 Year Old Class

We decided to go for a Discovery Walk around the community centre, we talked about the safety of staying close by, however, being able to discover freely in the spaces we stopped to explore.

Each child was given his/her brown paper bag to collect things of interest that they would like to share or talk about later on.

Our first stop was a small grass area along side the school, The children were happy to search so carefully for things of interest on this small area of grass,  (no one ran back into the playground which was close by to us.) some of the children came over shouting what they had found a stick, leaf, garbage, which opened up a conversation about where garbage belongs.

We then moved along to a small hill area just behind the school. The children enjoyed picking acorns, guessing where they came from, questioning what maybe inside the acorn, how to open the acorn? When questions of curiosity are asked we, as teachers, observe other children collaborate together for answers among themselves.

The children also organized a tag game among themselves with friends joining in as the game is in progress.

We then ran across the large field to watch a tractor digging a hole, a conversation began among themselves as to why were they digging a hole so deep and what is at the bottom of the hole? The children were surprised to see roots of a tree in that hole whilst wondering which tree the roots belong too, and how far the tree is from its roots.

On our way back in the field the children notice the chalk lines on the field and some thought it was a guide to how low down to cut the grass, while others thought its when you play with a ball, the ball has to stay inside the rectangle.

We also saw a muddy patch in the grass here the children said it could be

 “A Dinosaur footprint.”

“I think it is Tracks.”

“The birds have eaten the grass.”

“Maybe the grass has not grown here just like the line.”

On our way back to the preschool the children decided that the hill space we stopped at would be named “tag hill.”

Until next post



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