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The Changing Dimensions of Relationships

The sun was shining, the air was warm and there was a lightness in everyone's step. The buddies arrival was different this time- there was a familiarity that was underlying this visit. They entered the room with confidence and a knowledge of what was to come. This is always an interesting point in relationships when the unfamiliar becomes familiar- not boring just comfortable. I believe that once relationships enter this phase, there is an ability to be true to oneself and express oneself freely. We let our guards down slightly and feel able to take risks within the relationship. In listening to the conversations between the big and small buddies, it was apparent they had come to this place in their relationship.

Anticipating  it to be a sunny day, we decided it was a perfect opportunity to make sun prints. Sun prints produce such dramatic effects. It is amazing to watch the colour transformation occur right before your eyes! The buddies were so helpful- finding letters to write the little buddies's names, encouraging them to make designs, exposing the print to the sun and then giving it a water bath. I was so busy with the project that I didn't have time to take photos!

The buddies also had a great time playing outside on the deck with rainbow blocks and large wooden blocks. We have just recently started using our balcony for activities that are 'nontraditional' for this space. The response has been very positive and I am encouraged to keep adding to the idea of the 'outdoor classroom'.

After re-fueling ourselves with healthy snacks as well as the 'once in a while' Timbits, we geared up for our next activity. Mr Vines wanted to try to implement a new game called the Food Chain Game. The game was slightly complicated but I was quite sure our preschoolers would be happy to play along anyway. Surprisingly, I think several of them actually understood the complex rules of the game. Each team was given pinnies and we marched out to the turf. As soon as they set foot on the turf, they ran and ran. Jackets flung off, sweat dripping off their brows, flushed cheeks and laboured breathing, all pointed to the fact that they were loving this game- regardless of the actual rules. Mr Vines was the "Sun" and handed out new life cards. Our preschoolers loved running up to him and asking for new cards. The big buddies were great sports and during our circle debriefing, they seemed to really get the point of the game.

We were all sad to say goodbye, we could have played all day!

When our buddies left, I asked the children what they enjoyed about our morning. These were their thoughts-

Connor: I like playing outside. It was fun.
Addie: We had fun playing with the 3D blocks outside.
Kensie: I liked it when we did the art painting and going outside.
Miele: My favorite part with the buddies was doing the sun prints.
Sebastian: When we are building blocks outside and doing sun prints.
Grace: I like to play tag game.
Rhys: When we did the game outside.I was a red guy!
Ryhan: I love having snack with my buddy.
Jack: My favorite part of the game was when I was the grass.
Emma: I liked having snack with them and playing outside with that game.
Jordyn: I like playing the game. I was blue.
Kahlen: Ryhan spent almost the whole day with my buddy. I liked the art. Kate didn't know what to do.
Koltyn: I liked playing outside on the deck. We played hide n' seek.
Matias: I liked running and I even got points.
Joban: I liked snack, the game and building rainbow blocks.
Makena: I liked doing sun prints and the game outside. I like getting life from Mr Vines.

Another rewarding day:)



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