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The Sun Spreads It's Energy!

It was a lovely sunny morning; in fact it was too nice to be inside and since we are trying to incorporate more activities on our balcony, I thought it would be fun and exciting to have our opening sharing circle outside. I feel blessed to work with two other educators who say "yes" to most of my crazy ideas so we set up outside. The children were excited upon entering the room to hear that circle was outside. 

I wondered if the children would be distracted or tempted to run around. Would every bird, plane, weed wacker or car honk interfere with their ability to listen? And then I thought– so what if it does! Isn't that the joy of being outside, of placing ourselves in a new surrounding? Despite my openness to this potential, the children were actually very focused and I would venture to say that they were perhaps more alert than usual.

After spending time outdoors, admiring the gardening project from the other preschool classes, some children went inside for free play and others remained outside. We left the door open and children were free to go in and out.

Here are a few images from the day.

Grace and Kahlen developed a deep caring for each other in the castle dress up area. It is amazing to watch new friendships grow like little flowers.

The dress up hanger became an object that offered secret powers to people.This was brought outside.

The fantasy dress up area instigated the following conversation.

Jack: Can I have that Connor? ( referring to a knight vest)
Connor: No.
Me: Hmmm. Connor, I see you have many pieces of fancy clothing but Jack has none.
Connor: (looking around and picking a cape off the floor). You want this one?
Jack: No.
Connor: (reaching for another garment). This one?
Jack: No.
Connor: Ok, this one?
Jack: Yes.
Connor then helped Jack put it on.
Addie: Today we are pretending it is Halloween. I am a wizard.
Makena: Pretend I am dressed up as a weirdo.
Kahlen: I am baby princess.
Grace: I am a queen.
Connor: Emily, can you make me a paper sword?
Addie:(to Kahlen) I love you too. The baby is learning how to talk. We are all wizards. We defeat Emily!
Kensie: I have powers in my watch and I can kill wizards. Connor, you be my knight.
Connor: I have to fight the evil tooth fairy.

Connor is drawing his sword. He said " I am drawing blood on it 'cause it was in a fight."
Other moments:

Sebastian spent a long time working on his own creating this piece.

Addie drew on the Buddha board and said "I am painting a mushroom–one we do not eat." She suddenly had an audience around her watching the 'magic'.

Yvette had a gathering of children as she read a book.

Rhys worked with patience as he completed his hexagon.

Rhys carefully thought out the pattern for dominoes.

Jordyn, as always, spent much time designing her piece and adding detail.

Children cut their own size paper for this project. Usually we pre- cut the paper from this large roll. It was great allowing children the opportunity to choose their own size.

Makena's underwater painting.

Addie demonstrated great patience as she thread the needle.

Jordyn spent much of her day collecting tiny gems from the dress up costumes. I made her  an envelope to store them .
Matias cut tape, coloured and explored the challenges of attaching two items together.

Emma hard at work!

The beginning of our documentation board on our water inquiry. We are finding out what we know about fresh and salt water.

Stand out for me today– allowing children time to freely develop their creative stories. The fantasy scenario went through many stages, people and settings. I enjoyed watching it go from inside to outside with a free and natural flow. We are fortunate to have this outdoor space!



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