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Happy New Year! The last few weeks of January has just flown by so quickly! The children and staff have been so busy and immersed in the New Year and winter season. 

Upon our morning arrival, the staff at Merry King Preschool start the day with our room set up. We feel children’s growth and development are enhanced with the support of open ended play and learning. With this said, the materials offered in their play have the purpose of development in all areas: imaginary, cognitive, social/emotional, fine and gross motor. It is so fun to stand back and observe the group as a whole, while capturing such organic and genuine play amongst the children!

One of the many highlights that we offer in our classroom include sensory activities: art, cooking and table top activities. Many children often enter the room and one of the first things they notice is at the sensory table. The texture, smell, and colours capture their attention almost immediately! This may be playdough, shaving cream, sand pellets, or a baking activity that is ready to go! “G” played with the shaving cream for a long period of time! He was having so much fun, that some of it ended up on his face and up his sleeve! Baking is another activity that the children really enjoy. This activity develops skills such as turn taking, sharing, following directions and working together to complete a common goal. 

“This shaving cream looks like whipping cream!”

“I’m making pizza with my playdough.”

“I bake cookies at home with my Mommy.”

Our Winter has been fairly mild and dry this year. This gave us many opportunities to be outside to enjoy our Westcoast weather. The children use their whole body and mind to develop gross motor skills. This includes hanging upside down on monkeys bars, climbing up/down with alternative feet and coordinating their whole body. Digging in sand is one of their favorite activities outside! We often observe so many creative play and great conversations amongst the children.

On our outing to the library, we just happen to witness the dump trunk dumping off more ice to the ice rink. This was such a great spontaneous learning opportunity. Where does ice for ice rinks come from? How is it brought into the ice rink? Who does skating lessons? 

Puddles, puddles everywhere! Winter isn’t winter without puddles! There is just something so genuine and natural when you observe a child play with puddles. Whether this may be using a stick to “fish.” Or fully running/jumping through a puddle…children show so much joy in the simple things in nature. They find “treasures” They have the biggest smiles on their faces. And they are just using all their senses to enjoy this one little (or big) puddle. 


To wrap up January, once again, we had our monthly visit to “Courtyard Gardens” to visit our Grand Pals. The staff prepared for us to play BINGO! The majority of the children have never seen or played Bingo before. With that said, most children understood and learned the objective of the game fairly quickly. We observed children and seniors helping each other and counting the numbers out loud. As usual, our visit with our Grand Pals is always so inviting and memorable. 


“I have number 27!” 

“I like to flip the bingo pad.”

“I want a turn to find the numbers!”


We look forward to February and the upcoming Spring season! 

Warm Regards, from the staff at Merry King Preschool, 

Matt, Silvia and Bickie


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