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Exploring Fall ~MWF 4 hour class
With the season changing, this gave us the opportunity to explore fall in our classroom. When we asked the children what fall is, most of them said leaves are falling. Chelsea said, “We get to pick pumpkins”. For our fall exploration we put leaves and pumpkins at the center of it.

Joven and Ramsey enjoyed playing with the pumpkins and dinosaurs. Joven said “Dinosaurs are very hungry. They’ll eat all of the pumpkins”. Both boys used their imagination as they got engaged in their play.


At the sensory table, we had flax seed, small yellow caps and plastic leaves with some bowls, spoons and tongs. Gavin enjoyed hearing the sound of the flax seed inside the tray when he mixed it. Nicole made pumpkin chocolate soup as she transferred the flax seed and yellow caps into the bowl.

To enhance the children’s fine motor skills, we had a table where they got to string leaves on a pipe cleaner. The children punched a hole on the leaf to be able to get it in the pipe cleaner. Some children were particular as to what pattern they were making. Linden only wanted big leaves on her pipe cleaner. While Aj, made a necklace with
brown and red leaves alternating.

At the park, the children enjoyed throwing leaves up in the air. Midas, Chelsea and Nicole were curious about the big muddy puddle. At first, they started walking across it. Then they jumped on it. But what got them really curious was what will happen if they put leaves in the puddle. Each of them started to put one each. Chelsea said “One leaf floats”. Nicole gathered more leaves and put in the puddle as well. Chelsea saw it and said, “Some float, some sink”. Midas found a rock and dropped it in the puddle as well. Nicole said “For sure that will sink”.

With our first visit to our Grand Pals. The children got to paint fall trees using q-tips. Both the children and the Grand Pals tried to help each other create their masterpieces.
I am looking forward to other activities that we will be doing to explore fall a little bit more. We will be concluding this exploration with a Pumpkin Patch Field Trip next week. I wonder where that experience will take the children’s interest to.

Until next time,

Teacher Patricia


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