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Are they just playing? - FAS - M/W/F PM Class

Welcome back families and a Happy 2018!  Can you believe it is already February?  I can hardly wait for Spring to come and say goodbye to Winter.
In January, we began our hands-on science exploration.  We had volcanoes erupting, balloon blowing with vinegar, dissolving egg experiment and some fizzing art.  The children were very captivated by the experiments but most of all each of them took part in the process. 
By teaching children in a fun and hands-on environment, it captures their curiosity and it leads to learning.  The best way to teach a child is to have them involved in it and going with the flow of what is happening. 
A great example of this happened a few days ago, when the children were actually playing with stacking blocks.  The children decided to take the stacking blocks to the floor and started to make a long line with the blocks.  At first they were making individual ones to begin with and then comparing the length with one another.  This is measurement that they are learning as well as, math language.  An example of that would be “yours is longer, taller or shorter or less than mine”. 

They were comparing the heights and lengths with one another.  Then another child wanted to join in the play so, we had to divide up the blocks so it was somewhat equal. That took a bit of work, to keep everyone happy.  That was another way the children used their math skills.

Shortly after, they decided to make a very long line with the blocks.  I watched them coordinate amongst themselves building this very long line. It was team work at its best.  The line was long and they used up all the blocks.  Then, the children decided to jump over the line.  They started counting how many times they could jump over the line of blocks.  After a while they started to count the blocks.  First, I provoked them by asking how many blocks do you think you have there.  This started a frantic counting session amongst the children.  It was amazing how interested they suddenly were to count.

To the children, this is simply playing with toys and having fun with their classmates.  Little do they know that they are learning the basic concepts of math.  In fact, math is used daily in words and actions for them. Playing comes natural to children and when they are having fun, they are more absorbed in what they are doing and that means building their concentration.
For children, the best way to learn is by doing things they enjoy which will then provide us with many opportunities to teach them.
Until next time,



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