3 Yr Old Class & 4 Yr Old Class The children recently did balloon painting in class. We used large balloons with just a little air inside thus allowing the children to squish and bounce the balloons with no threat of their popping. This activity seemed to encourage children, who otherwise preferred to not get paint on their hands, to participate and begin to appreciate the fun in getting messy. Another activity recently implemented in class, involved oil, a food-coloring and water mix, and droppers. The children seemed to enjoy this fine-motor activity. Learning to use the droppers and suck up the food coloring mix, was a learning curve, but most caught on with minimal guidance. The children seemed intrigued watching the drops of colour float around in the oil, and had fun mixing all the colors together, making loads of smaller drops. On this day, light colored paper was placed on the table and paper-tape was used to secure the...