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Tis The Season!!! 3 year old and 4 year old classes

At the preschool we are feeling the holiday season is upon us with all the fun activities the children have been engaged in this month, from making latkes, to decorating cookies with our big buddies, to playing in the snow. After all those rainy days, the preschoolers were delighted to see the snow. On the snowy days we headed out to the turf to play in the snow. I was surprised to see most of the children just wanted to make foot tracks and seemed to enjoy looking at each others foot tracks, jumping over tracks or seeing where the tracks would take them and even guessing whose tracks the children saw.

Children strengthen their gross motor skills walking, running in the snow, learning how to balance their bodies on a slippery surface when walking in the snow. Children also learn to tightly pack snow, to build things. These are just a few of the many benefits of the snow season.


The children are making a decision whether they are going to step into this puddle without boots


Kaitlyn is tempted to put her feet into the big puddle but does not want to get her runner wet!!! I wonder what decision she will make.

Kaitlyn finds a stick and sits at the end of the puddle to play in it

Jeremiah jumps into the puddle.

Isabelle and Kaitlyn are putting the potatoes in the grater to make our latkes.

Elliot and Fraser are watching Sue frying potato latkes   

Lucas decorating his snowman cookie with his big buddy.

Elliot begins by icing the snowman cookie first.

Ruka is decorating her cookie along side big buddy Megan.

Koen proudly says "look Jess I put my fingers in my mittens all by myself "

Making tracks in the snow

Ruka rolls the snow to make a snowman

We made lots of different footprints guessing whose they could be.

Playing with our big buddies in the snow.

Elliot completes her family gift, ready to wrap.

Have a wonderful relaxing winter break with family and friends. 

Until next time




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