Children are drawn towards things that change suddenly like color
mixing. It seems to bring out the curiosity in them and further see what would
happen if I try another color and so on.
In the classroom we set up many areas for the children to mix and explore color mixing. Some children were able to grasp the concept of what will happen if I add a little of this color while others just needed to mix the whole colors together to see what happens.

In the classroom we set up many areas for the children to mix and explore color mixing. Some children were able to grasp the concept of what will happen if I add a little of this color while others just needed to mix the whole colors together to see what happens.
We had an interactive story called Mix it Up by Herve ‘Tullet
Cara makes the color purple and blue by mixing primary colours
Lucas prefers to use a paint brush to mix colors

Elliot is mixing colors
with his hands.
Keisha is looking at the
colors she has made
Painting on sand paper
with colors
Isabelle says "you are all blue"
Stephan is mixing colors
with an eye dropper
Dayna made the color purple
Jayden mixing colors in his hands. I think he likes the wet
slippery, feeling on his hands as he rubs both hands together with a smile
Koen proudly shows off the picture he has made saying "look Jess
I made the color purple with my hands”

Magnus mixing colored beads
Children are exploring colors and shadows on the white sheet
Until next post.