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Showing posts from May, 2016

Lines That Meet

We began by drawing a few lines on a large piece of paper, the children saw it to be his or her space to paint in. I found this to be interesting because as we covered the whole paper with lines that joined from one end to the other the children began painting different colors within the lines, being careful not to paint over or into someone else's space.   It seemed that the children were aware of each others space and respected their friends work enough not to paint over or onto it. From a few lines the children learnt how to work together, whilst being mindful of friends painting, when painting on the same paper.     Mary is painting around the border of her space on the paper, before painting the middle.           Sophia paints straight lines from top to bottom within her space on the paper.     Georgia and Christina are painting very closely, however they are both respecting each others painting space.     Christina loo

Time to Garden (Fine Arts and Science T/Th)

Our class made some grass monsters last month. Each child got to create his or her own monster. First, we had to design our monster’s face. Put some soil in the cups and grass seeds for the monster’s hair. We watered and watered to help our monster grow some hair.     Finally, the monsters hair grew and their hair got a little bit out of control.   Then, we decided to have a salon day. Each child got a chance to give his or her monster’s hair a trim. After the haircut, the monsters were ready to go home with the children This activity gave children the experience of growing something out of a seed. They were excited to see the little developments that were happening to the seed. The children also learned to be patient and understand that seeds do not grow overnight. By watering them every class, they came to realize that growing things require commitment and hard work. Hopefully, this activity made them appreciate the plants and f

Mother's Day Tea (4 year old class)

With all the wonderful moms in mind, lots of planning and creativity went into organizing our Mother's Day Tea. In advance of the Tea, the children made cereal cookies, designed personal plates and cards as gifts, and practiced for a special Play in honour of all the mothers. The children poured, scooped, measured, and stirred, and then helped put the cookies on the baking trays.   The children made drawings with ceramic pens on plates, and also made fingerprint cards, as a gift for their moms. The morning of the Tea, the children helped make cucumber and cheese sandwiches, prepare fruit cups and set the tables. When the moms arrived at 11:00am, they were entertained by the children's Play called Bunny's Drawing. Christy did a wonderful job playing the lead role as Bunny.                                The story tells of a bunny who draws a self portrait for her mom, but on the way home many different animals suggest

Mother's Day Tea

Our class hosted a Mother’s Day Tea last week and we really enjoyed it. We wanted to do something special for our mommies / grandmas. We gave our teachers ideas at circle on what we wanted to do, and we came up with a tea party idea. Then, we thought about what we will need for the party. So, here was our list: 1. Invite our mommies and grandmas 2. Make a present 3. Make cookies 4. Prepare sandwiches and watermelon 5. Get ready to TEA party! First, we each went outside to take a photo for our own invitation. We thought a special invitation is needed for such a special occasion. Second, we set out to make a present. We made bath tea bags with lavender flowers, oatmeal, and Epsom salts. Each of us made our own. Some of us liked more oatmeal and some of us liked more lavender flowers. And, some of us REALLY liked Epsom salts in our bath tea presents! We mixed it up and scooped the ingredients into empty tea bags.   Third, we made cookies. There is no par