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4 Hour Class - The Story of our Week

Once upon a time there was a group of friends who loved to go on adventures together.

Chapter 1: Fire Truck Park

They loved to go to "Fire Truck" park to run,


and use their imaginations!

They saw their old friend, the pig, enjoying a relaxing moment in the sun,

And found a dirty carrot on the ground -

which Patricia reminded them not to eat!!

This week they had a chance to explore uncharted territory as they went past the playground and into the garden...

 There they discovered what looked to them like a "beehive"

They examined it as closely as they could.

 It was interesting that there were no bees around. Perhaps it was too cold...?

They also discovered a tree stump and learned that the rings of the tree also had a story to tell.  The rings could tell you how many years the tree had lived.

While they loved to be active, sometimes they needed to take a break. Weston and Ella figured out a great way to keep their bums dry when they sat on the wet ground -

Sitting on their Backpacks!

Chapter 2: In the Classroom

When spending time in their classroom, this group of friends loved to play with a wide variety of toys.

Adam spent some time playing with the magnetic animals.

 And this car track was a huge hit - even if it was a toy that most of them said they played with when they were two :)

Noa counted and sorted beads,

 Adam played with Mr. Potato Head,

and Clayten tried out our new Pond Life set.

 Nicole introduced a new game called "What's That Sound?"

They listened to sounds and matched them to the pictures.

And of course, they used their imaginations and creativity! 

Ashton built a graveyard,

 Erik built a gun,

and Clayten drew a rainbow.

Everyone helped to colour this '$20 Bill' thank you card,

that Michelle took to their friends at CIBC.

The free art table got alot of them excited!

There were lots of different materials to use. 

Here's Clayten's turtle,

and a few other amazing creations!

 And this is a machine that Weston built. 
It brought garbage to the garbage can. 
Chapter 3: Burkeville and Airport Park

At Burkeville they climbed,

and climbed,

 and climbed some more!

 They even tried to climb this tree,

and this one!

They also practiced safe balancing!

They took a 15 minute walk to Airport Park 
where they spent some time playing on the large globe. 

This globe presented for them a wonderful opportunity to develop their balance

  as they cautiously figured out how fast, or slow, 
they needed to move in order to feel safe.

Ashton and Justin found some ice

 So did Ella!
Then they played in the field.

 And watched airplanes taking off!

Chapter 4: The Turf Field at West

Weston and Nicole played with their shadows.

Clayten figured out how to free the trapped ball.

And Adam invented his own challenge...

Which involed belly crawling to get the ball!

Chapter 5: Story Time

Story time came to our friends in a variety of ways this week...

They read books,

they went to story time at Ironwood library,

and they wrote their very own stories!!!

Noa and Justin wrote a story called:

This intrigued the others

 and a much larger group came together

 to work on "Star Wars of the Galaxy"

Here's a few excerpts from the story:

Here they are on display:

And our friends in the 4 hour class lived happily ever after! 

The End.


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