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Garden Trip #2

We were all excited to go back to the farm today to pick a few vegetables and explore the landscape. We knew there was a large group going to volunteer at the Sharing Farm today so we parked in the first parking lot which led to a discussion on road safety since it would require  a short walk along the road. We talked about the dangers of running into the middle of the road and then Colin said "If you run into the road you might get run over and then you would be flat like Flat Stanley". Then someone else said "You wouldn't be living". We stopped there before the graphics became too much for us to bear!

We started at our garden plot and picked our beautiful kohlrabi, graciously donated to me as a small seedling from a friendly garden neighbour. We picked a few precious tomatoes and checked out our pumpkins. We then peeked into our slug traps (a sugary-yeast mixture) and found 3 slugs. This was both fascinating and gross for the children.

We had discussed this veggie prior to heading to the farm so the children were familiar with the name-we repeated it several times to make sure we knew what it was. When eating it later at our picnic, we had many favourable comments about the kohlrabi like "It's delicious and I like it more than anything." (Chloe), "I love kohlrabi." (Cole), "Could I have more kohlrabi please?" (Cyanna), "Me, too." (Brooke). We also heard "I don't like it. I only like the dip." (Bryn). Yes, the dip.... we all loved the dip. A mixture of vanilla Greek yogurt ( read 10 % mf), cream cheese and icing sugar. Of course, we liked the dip!

We wandered down the path to go check out the new playground construction. We discussed the fact that the playground is not built yet and it will be manymanymanymanymanymanymanymany sleeps until it is ready! The slide was put in just yesterday!

We then had a crazy picnic on the grass. Crazy because we were on the "prickly" grass and the children didn't quite know how to react. We brought the pears we had picked last week and cut them up to slather in "THE dip". Honestly we could not cut fast enough-children were begging for pears and kohlrabi. Then, a hill was found ( running up and down at very fast speeds-I am happy to report there were no falls), blackberries picked and a meander down a lovely path where Chloe made leaves into "fairy wings" and Lukas said he smelled  "a hyena and a rattlesnake." Suddenly, a quick look at the time and we realized we had parked in the far parking lot and we really needed to use our "very very fast walking feet"- maybe that might suggest running?

so so so much fun! 



Justine said…
It sounds like you are all having so much fun! I am pleasantly surprised to hear that Brooke both ate and ENJOYED kohlrabi?!! Who knew!

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