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Fine Arts and Sciences ~ Afternoon Class (M/W/F)

Our field trip to the Library on Monday was successful for all. Thank you to the parents
and grandparents who joined us on that day. We definitely appreciate all your effort in
having your child take part in our field trips.

We were met by our favourite librarian, Depika. She does very funny and engaging
story times. We were so lucky to have our own private story time with her. She had the
children take part in the story and had them moving about.

We decided to take a trip to the library since reading plays a very important part in
enhancing a child’s vocabulary and to help them understand how to read and write. It is
the first steps to providing them to understand the world around them. There is so
many benefits of reading to your child as they are always absorbing knowledge around
them. It exposes them to different topics, and vocabulary that they may not hear in their
every day to day lives. The more words they are exposed to can benefit children who
may speak another language at home.

Our field trip also involved having a tour behind the scenes where you normally do not
have access to. The children were able to see what happens when they return their
library books. There was a book sorting machine that the children all got to try out. The
children were fascinated because the book that they pushed through the machine
moved along a conveyor belt. The children all discovered that they would like to work at
a library when they grew up. Our field trip turned into a career fair.

We were also fortunate enough to see the 3D printer working on a boat and there was
also a computerized digital photo display that the children found interesting as they
posed for their pictures.

Depika also introduced the children to all variety of books and the children were so
interested in them. They recognized their favourite characters and books that they have
read. Cecily and her Grandma found a craft book that they found interesting and will be
trying out some crafts at home. Jayce found a book on animals that he found intriguing.

Chloe found a book on baby ducks that caught her eye. I also saw Thomas and his
Dad signing up for a library card.

Regular library visits lead to more reading and reading is brain food. So with that said, I
hope you will visit the library soon. It is a great way to spend time and connect with
your child.


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