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Showing posts from March, 2017

Provocational Art: 4 Year Old Class

Photos of wildlife in Canada were placed on the Drawing Table, along with paper and pencil crayons.   Children were free to draw without direction. Most of the children chose to replicate the animals on the table. We spoke about these animals during the process, and at Circle Time. Some of the questions and statements from the children:   “How do they survive?” “Do they get cold and lonely?” “I wonder if the fox would like to live with my family and my dog?” “The raccoon looks scared that he's going to fall.” “The bear's not sleeping. I can see his eye open. He probably isn't comfortable. He'd like my bed.” The children took note of the animals sharp teeth and claws, which led to a conversation about hunting and survival.   Art provocations are meant to provoke thoughts, discussions, questions, creativity and ideas. Provocations come in many forms; a photo, picture or book, nature, an object, an interest that a child has...., any source at

Bubbles, Our Class Pet - 4 Hour Class

Hello Families, you have probably heard about Bubbles by now and may have even had him visit your home. He is our adorable pet dog who loves to go home with your child for a sleep over and then comes back to class with fond memories of his visit away. Your child then tells us all about their time together during our circle. There is also a book that is getting filled with photos and drawings showing us what Bubbles has gotten to do. Before Bubbles was allowed to go visiting, the children made up rules of what Bubbles may do and may not do. We then wrote the list into the book that is brought home with Bubbles. The children discussed what they could do with Bubbles and what may happen if Bubbles did the things he shouldn’t do. But before anything could be done, the children had to come up with a name for the class pet. It was done very diplomatically with suggestions of names and then voting on it. Bubbles was almost called Patricia, it was a very close vote.   Dayna took Bu

Things That Go - FAS Tues/Thurs Class

At the art table the children were provided with different colored tissue, sparkles, black circles, paper plates and paint. They were able to make any type of vehicle they wanted.       Chloe made a train that has lots of wheels.                   Sarah made a car that has an extra tire just in case you need another one.                     Yasmine made a sparkly car for a princess.   Rea made a school bus with three windows.                      Alessandria made a fire truck.   Check out the hallway for more artwork of things that go! Until next time, Patricia