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Schools Back! (4 Hour Class)

I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing summer. It sure went by quickly and already, the leaves have started to fall from their branches. The school year has begun and we are so excited to welcome you to our 4 Hour Outdoor Class.

Our team consists of Patricia, Tegan, Emmett and I, Deanna and let me tell you, that we are very excited for the upcoming year ahead of us. We will be discovering, learning, creating and playing during our time together.

I would like to take this opportunity to share with you our daily happenings when we are at school when your child is with us. We start off our day with free play while all the children are settling in, then we have our morning circle which allows us to connect with the children before we begin our day. It’s a time to share what we will be doing, any announcements that we may have, and it also gives the children an opportunity to share as well.

Then the children are off to free play and art. We have many activities set up for the children during free play that allows them to use their creativity, imagination and social skills. It encourages children to interact with one another and help build their confidence. We also have art during this time where the children have an opportunity to create and express themselves with materials that we have set out for the day. Art engages children to develop socially, emotionally, cognitively and physically. It helps with language as well. We will be switching up art with cooking some days. We find that children love to cook and it’s another opportunity to learn by having fun.


Around 11:25, we will head outside for outdoor play and burn off some energy before heading back for lunch. Outdoor play not only has physical benefits but it develops language/vocabulary and communication skills as children learn to play together and cooperate. We use the play area behind the community centre. We will also visit different park areas in our community during the school year.

After outdoor play, it is lunch time and the children have worked up an appetite. It’s a great time to not only refuel but to socialize with our friends. If only you could hear some of the conversations that go on during this time. After lunch, we have our learning circle. This is the time we come together to introduce concepts and ideas, to make connections, to actively participate together, to listen to one another, and to build a sense of support for one another. Then, it’s time to go home.

This month, we are learning about ourselves, and our families. It’s a wonderful way to get to know each other and it’s a topic that everyone has something to share about. We will be making a family tree in the next few classes. I hope you will come and have a look at it once we are finished.

I hope this gives you a better idea on what your child’s day looks like at Merry King Preschool. This schedule does change when we go out on our outdoor trips and our field trips. We do have some upcoming trips planned, such as a trip to the library, to meet our Grand Pals, to Garden City Park, and to the Pumpkin Patch. We will be sending out more information soon.

Unit next time, Deanna


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