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Fine Arts & Science T/TH AM Class - The Squirrel Diaries

DAY 1:

On the first day of class the children saw me up on the tree, nibbling a nut. They were all pointing and looking at me, which made me feel a bit like a movie star. I think they were excited to see a furry creature near their playing area. Julia pointed to the acorn on the ground and identified what it was. She said that those were my favorite, and she was right! The children gathered around Julia and looked for acorns. As they were searching, I quickly tried to run down the tree and escape the limelight - but they saw me! Chloe F. said that I was going home and that is why I got down from the tree. The children started to talk about where I live and what my house looked like.

DAY 2:

The children gathered some materials from outside so that they could make me a home. I saw them gather some sticks, leaves and grass. The children filled a tray full of materials for my new home. Chantel said that the grass could be my soft bed, while Claire said that the leaves could be my pillow. I can’t wait to see their different creations and to have a comfy place to sleep!

DAY 3:

The children made my home for art with the different materials they gathered, as well as some cotton and yarn.

Chantel made me a bed with lots of cotton so it is really soft!
Julia made me a glittery rug and a fuzzy couch.
Chloe F. made me a colorful couch...
with lots of TVs!

DAY 4:

Inside the trays at the sensory table, there was some popcorn and oatmeal. Julia was mixing it and said that she made some nut cereal for me. I’m sure that food would be really yummy! At circle time, the teacher read a story called Those Darn Squirrels, by Adam Rubin. It is about my silly but kind-hearted friends. I think the children liked the story because all eyes were on the book while the teacher was reading. When it was outside time, the children tried to look for me. Sure enough they did find me! I was in one of the trees inside the golf course. Even though I was pretty far away, I was still happy to see them.

PS. I cannot wait to find out what other fun and interesting “squirrelly” things the children will do. Also, big thanks to my human friends, Patricia and Sandy, for helping me write this.

Until next time,

Mr. Brown Squirrel


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