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Fine Arts & Science - Gardening with the Children

How does your garden grow? The children have been exploring bulbs and seeds. They decided to plant Iris bulbs several weeks ago and are excited about the developing shoots poking through the soil, the leaves and, this week, the signs of a flower emerging. How exciting for all of us! The children have developed a love of seeds and soil. We have explored the soil, roots and seeds of different plants. The dandelions are in full bloom around the playground. Many bouquets adorn  the classroom. The children have also noticed flowers turn to seed and blow away, starting new plants. We started to examine the flower and what’s inside.

 All of the children were thoroughly engaged throughout this process. A tulip was also available for them to explore and touch. They noticed how delicate and soft the petals were.  

 The children wanted a closer look and a magnifying glass
was provided for them.

All this led to more exploration of seeds. Scarlett Runner seeds are not only beautiful to look at, but grow quickly and are a nice size for the children to handle.

Choosing just the right seed.

Plastic cups were provided for the children. They dug their own soil and planted their special seed. The seeds were gently watered with eye droppers and placed on the window sill to get their much needed sunshine.

At circle we discussed the germination process that would take place. This was a long discussion with many questions and of course anticipation for their seeds. We would watch. The children checked their plants and cared for them daily.

A little shoot appears.

 The seed has split and two leaves are reaching for the sunshine.

Our bean seeds, almost ready to plant outdoors.

The sequence of germination.

All the children got to take home their special bean seeds. The teachers are receiving the growing reports on how the children’s plants are growing.

Our Garden Boxes

A group discussion took place in which we asked the children what they would like to grow in their garden boxes on the deck.


The choices were many. Carrots, peas, purple beans, lettuce , green onions, potatoes and different herbs. The children have chosen to plant a box for salad, including parsley, mint, lettuce, green onions, tomatoes and their much wanted potatoes.

Planting the parsley and getting the soil just right.

 The potatoes go into the soil.

It wasn’t long before the children noticed that the potatoes
 were coming up.

We will soon have a salad garden to harvest. That will be an exciting day for the children! It is interesting to see how focused and dedicated they are to their plantings. The children are patient.

When asked what other kinds of food they like to eat the overwhelming response was pizza. We discussed what we needed to make a really good pizza. Could we grow anything in our garden boxes for pizza? The children came up with some really great suggestions. They have chosen to plant more garlic, some tomatoes, green peppers and spinach. Our next step might be to add some basil and oregano. We will have a pizza garden to complement their salad garden. A garden for the children - what a great teaching and learning experience!! Throughout this process the children were truly engaged and have learned many different things. It is learning through play, inspiring each other to touch, smell and explore the things in nature.

Until next time…..enjoy this beautiful weather!



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