Recently, the preschool threes class spent a wonderful morning at the Richmond Nature Park. They used all their senses while exploring the ever-evolving environment of the peat bog, and learning about the springtime happenings at the park.
They touched and smelt, listened and tasted. It was a very fun, enjoyable, hands-on learning experience for all the children.
Each child was given a dropper. They pretended to be bees collecting nectar from flowers, and bringing it back to the bee hive. There was a lot of happy buzzing sounds during this activity.
"I don't want a bee in my sandwich." (Marcus)
Off we go to explore the park.
"If we go any further, my mommy won't be able to find me." (Tia)
The children looking at the turtles in the pond.
"I don't see the turtle...oh there it is... it fell in the water." (Sofia )
They touched and smelt, listened and tasted. It was a very fun, enjoyable, hands-on learning experience for all the children.
The children were shown a humming bird egg in its nest.
"It's so small. It looks like a jelly bean." (Claire)
"It's so small. It looks like a jelly bean." (Claire)
Each child was given a dropper. They pretended to be bees collecting nectar from flowers, and bringing it back to the bee hive. There was a lot of happy buzzing sounds during this activity.
"I don't want a bee in my sandwich." (Marcus)
Off we go to explore the park.
"If we go any further, my mommy won't be able to find me." (Tia)
The children looking at the turtles in the pond.
"I don't see the turtle...oh there it is... it fell in the water." (Sofia )
Each child was given a piece of dried blueberry to taste.
"It tastes like a blueberry but looks like a potato chip!" (Samuel)
The children were told to hide their eyes and listen while the guide made the sound of a bullfrog croaking. They also listened for the beautiful sounds of the birds around them.
"Shhhh, I hear something... I LOVE surprises!" (Marcus)
On our adventure through the park, the children experienced the sweet smell of peat bog foliage. They crawled through a narrow rounding path, pretending to be bears waking up after a winters slumber. They felt the soft and damp moss, and actually felt the ground bounce as the adults around them jumped up and down.
On the way back to the nature hut, Sofia stopped and looked for turtles.
"The turtles are gone... I think they fell under water pond." (Sofia)
A big thank you to the Richmond Nature Park for giving our preschoolers a wonderful, interactive learning experience. We will most definitely be back again soon!