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Showing posts from April, 2015

Fine Arts and Science - Exploring Trees

Spring is in the air and with it comes budding and blossoming all around. Following spring break, we heard many stories from the children about how the trees around them were changing. In order to learn more about the topic, we brought nature to the classroom and the classroom to nature. Through tracing, art, circle time, observation of trees in our community and a field trip to the Nature Park, the children explored and learned lots. Here are some snapshots of the fun we had: In the Classroom  The children completed this puzzle after talking about the parts of a tree at circle time.  They also enjoyed tracing leaves.  After tracing the leaves, the children noted the various parts.   Caleb, inspired by the tree puzzle, drew his own tree!  We brought cherry blossoms in for kids to look at during art.  Madeleine presented us with her inspiring interpretation! Exploring Trees in Our Community  On our walk around the neigh

4 Year Old AM Class - The Value of “Play”

At this time of year most families are looking into preschool and asking questions such as: what type of preschool should my child go to? Reggio, Montessori, Nature Schools - with all the choices out there, it can be a difficult decision. I would like to share with you the time I value most during the school year. The observations I find most rewarding, and what I most enjoy reflecting on, is how much creative and imaginative development has transpired at free play from the beginning of the year to now. I would like to share with you some of those moments.   Add Cade is unable to carry all the marbles he wants to take,  so he has a creative idea and uses his shirt to hold them.      Kris is holding a marble; which he then drops down his  sweater to see where it will go inside his clothes. Discovering, being curious and taking risks, are all part of the value of play .  Matthew uses his muscles to dig in the sand box,  and at the same time disco

Cooperative Play in our Threes Class

The power of play comes in many forms. Lately there's been much cooperative play happening in our Threes Class. Seemingly overnight, many of the children have transitioned from individual play to group play. We can suddenly see how far they have come in regard to sharing, taking turns, using their words and expressing themselves creatively. The children are learning to reason and strategize, and to predict outcomes. All of that intellectual learning is facilitated through play.   Kyler and Marcus diligently line up the long wooden ramps. Marcus discovers that by lifting up one end, the ball begins to roll.  Sophie and Georgia play with Mr. Potatoe Head together, discussing what body parts Mr. Potatoe Head needs. While looking at the “life cycle” of frogs along with Georgia, Sophie says “This one is the father, this one the mother, no, no...  this one is the mother, this one the sister and this one the baby sister.” Ella and Claire together, retelling t