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Showing posts from 2015

M/W/F Fine Arts/Science & Nature Class - December Fun

We have had so many fun and engaging moments with our preschoolers this December. We made latkes, read stories, visited our big buddies, made presents for our families and shared holiday traditions. The children were excited to learn about different cultures and gain new interests. Making Latkes  Making art and finding sparkly treasures  Upon visiting our big buddies, the children were in awe of how large the elementary school was compared to the preschool. The big buddies helped the little buddies build gingerbread houses with some candy that the big buddies brought from home. Together, they built amazing gingerbread houses and brought them home to share with their families. Since the big buddies had been so amazing, the little buddies decorated cookies to show their appreciation. The children drizzled liquid icing sugar on the cookies and then carefully selected candies as decorations. We then sent the cookies to the big buddies at their school.

4 Year Old M/W/F - The Benefits of Having Big Buddies

During our morning circle, I let the children know that our big buddies from Dixon School were going to be arriving shortly and was pleasantly surprised by their excited response - considering they have only connected with their buddies once before. I wondered what it was about this friendship that allows it to blossom so well, and so quickly. Upon the arrival of the big buddies, though, I realized what it was that makes this relationship so unique, and I would like to share with you some of the special moments I observed in class.   Sofie decorates a gingerbread cookie with her big buddy. After she writes her name, Sophie’s big buddy decorates it, adding silver candy balls.This little special touch makes Sophie feel unique. Tia is decorating the Christmas tree and her big buddies are happy to help. As I watched Jack walking around the classroom, not quite sure where to be or what to play with, I saw how the big buddies took a leadership role and started to pl

3 and 4 Year Old Classes – Holiday Time

The preschool 3 and 4 year old morning classes have been busy preparing for the holidays over the past few weeks. Along with many other activities, each child has made a gift for their families. These gifts are now wrapped and ready to be sent home, and we are sure they will be well received! We also showed the children our Preschool Donation Box and spoke about the importance of giving to those who are less fortunate than us. We have decorated a Christmas tree and created two very large snowman (which will be on display at the family potluck!) It was fun to stand back and watch the children strategize and work together as a team. The preschoolers have also been practising the songs they will sing at the family potluck and for the Hugh Boyd Seniors. In the coming week they will be decorating a gingerbread cookie with their big buddy - this always makes for a fun day! Inspirational Paintings     Making a very Large Snowman.