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Something Old, Something(s) New!

Once again the four hour class spent some time in the classroom using our old favourite toys:

 Mayu matched shapes

Weston made a colourful mosaic 

And Domenic used the blocks to build "Darth Vader"

We also tried some new things this week:

Cooking Spring Rolls with Yvette

For more details, check out the bulletin board in the hallway!

Paulik Park
Having snack 

Collecting sticks for art 

Ashton found a hole where "a troll lives" 

We did lots of climbing! 

And sliding! 

Dominic learned how to go down the spiral all by himself! 

Walking back to the bus.

Big Blob

We made space mud and decided to call it "Big Blob"

 Putting the ingredients together

Mixing it all up 


Weston was "cutting up some peppers"

As you can imagine, Big Blob was a source of ALOT of comments and conversation. 

How does it smell?
Ashton: Yummy! It smells like a cookie baking!

How does it feel?
Dominic: It's flat and gooey. It feels good!
Justin: Gooey - AH! Gooey - AH! It's cold!
Dominic: It's really gross - it's like pizza.

What are you making?
Ashton: a drum
Dominic: a blueprint
Justin: a handprint and a bouncy ball
Adam: strawberry, salty bread 

The Turf Field and the Gym

It was raining quite a bit on Friday so we decided to stay at West - 
That didn't stop us from getting our exercise!


Bear walks 

Riding bikes in the gym 

Some New Toys

The cash register 


Foam stacking 

A Bug puzzle 

The Lego Table 

And the children did alot of art - we opened a free art table:

But they were more interested in drawing Ninja Turtles:

Justin is drawing Michaelangelo 

Ashton drew Leonardo - with his swords 

Justin also drew Leonardo 

And Domenic drew Michaelangelo eating a banana 

This is Justin's finished collection which includes all four turtles and Shredder!

What an wonderful, eventful week! I am excited to find out what the next week has in store for us!

Thanks everyone,


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