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Mason Bee Homes

I am in awe of these children. They have retained so much information about pollination, the mason bee life cycle and their homes. They have many answers and even more questions. They have requested to make a bee book project, which we will begin next week. Many children put in their thoughts on how the book should be compiled, what information should be in the book and how it should look. I am thrilled they are designing their own art projects now!

Below are a few examples of their replications of how mason bee tubes are filled. Look for nectar/pollen balls, eggs and mud walls. They know the terminology and understand the sequencing-yes, math is in everything!

I am so looking forward to exploring these wonderful insects with them next week. They also want to learn about honey bees!



Brooke'sMom said…
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Brooke'sMom said…
Brooke spent a lot of time explaining different facts about mason bees after school today. She is really fascinated by this topic and this led us to a discussion about carpenter bees here at home. We googled articles, looked at photos, even watched videos of them drilling holes! I love how things that are being taught in your class are leading to activities for all of us to enjoy here at home!
WRCC said…
Thank you for filling us in on the learning outside the classroom. I am glad she is so interested in nature and thank you for being the supportive parent that you are! Teaching children is a true partnership between parents and educators.

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