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Our Visit to Courtyard Gardens Senior Home

Before we went to Courtyard Gardens Senior Home, we went for a run around Minoru track. The kids loved it- lots of bragging about their speed and agility. I know many of our children play soccer so we tried to make a connection about cardio and soccer. The other people on the track were totally in awe of our children and judging by their exclamations, found them to be most adorable!

We arrived at the Senior's home to find a very good turn out of "Grandmas" and "Grandpas". Right away, the Seniors and Charlene, the Recreation Coordinator, made our children feel welcome. We sang a welcome song and then everyone did name introductions. I was surprised at how comfortable all the children seemed, as if they had been there before. What makes a child feel comfortable in a new situation? I imagine it is many interconnecting attributes- their peers, the staff, the room, the new people- very interesting.

We brough a small, easy to clean up and portable art project on sharks. Each child teamed up with a senior to create an ocean picture. We saw waves, sharks, seaweed, algae, coral, black ocean (because it is night) and yellow oceans ( because it was day).

Helping hands...

We got to know eachother, just a little bit...

After songs, an animated story, juice and cookies, we said our goodbyes until next month. Then off for some outdoor playtime at Thompson Community Centre playground.

We rolled down a hill! It was a blast. There was so much far can I extend my body? How fast do I roll from half way? From the top? How can I make sure I don't get bumped or bump into my friends? How can I stop my body? How does it make my head feel?

So glad we found a hill!



Unknown said…
Emily had so much fun today she told me the shark project was the best thing of the day

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