Today was the big day. We were finally going to pick our pumpkins albeit they were still a little green (ok, a LOT green). So green that for a while I wondered if they were in fact not pumpkins but squash. But, lo and behold, they are pumpkins, just not super mature due to our less than perfectly sunny spot. I thought "Great, I can use this opportunity to teach them about the power of sun in ripening fruits and vegetables". Will they be upset that they are not green, I wondered. Well, when we gathered around to pick the pumpkins off the vine, not one, not one single child said anything negative about their colour. I love these kids! They just went with it and were so excited to be picking them they really did not judge the colour at all. Truly, there is a deep lesson in this story. For all of us. I also was entirely impressed by their uncanny ability to ignore the rain. The huge drops of rain that landed on us as we ran on the pathways, looked for coyotes (not today), loo...