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Showing posts from March, 2019
3 Year old class - T/Th In our 3’s class, we had a conversation about using kitchen appliance and some safety rules around the grater the children were about to use. Luca, Victoria and Carter rushed to the bathroom to wash their hands. I think it must feel like a new experience. They  children watched me assemble the grater eagerly waiting to have a turn to operate the appliance. Everyday life is full of challenges and children need to test themselves in order to make decisions that is right for them as educators we need to show we are trusting them to follow the safety rules we have informed them. We feel from giving children these experiences they handle appliances safely and with a purpose, understand consequence to action.     Victoria places the lid on the Grater  Luca pushes the potatoes        Victoria scraps the grated potatoes.        Luca is placing the potatoes i nto the grater while Carter gets  to push the pieces into the grate
Fine Arts and Sciences ~ Afternoon Class (M/W/F) Our field trip to the Library on Monday was successful for all. Thank you to the parents and grandparents who joined us on that day. We definitely appreciate all your effort in having your child take part in our field trips. We were met by our favourite librarian, Depika. She does very funny and engaging story times. We were so lucky to have our own private story time with her. She had the children take part in the story and had them moving about. We decided to take a trip to the library since reading plays a very important part in enhancing a child’s vocabulary and to help them understand how to read and write. It is the first steps to providing them to understand the world around them. There is so many benefits of reading to your child as they are always absorbing knowledge around them. It exposes them to different topics, and vocabulary that they may not hear in their every day to day lives. The more word