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The BIG Puddle - 4 Hour Class

With all the rain that we’ve been getting, puddles outside are inevitable. When we came out to the park last week, the children noticed a very big and somewhat deeper than usual puddle. Some splashed on it while others ran across it. But most of the children were more drawn to throwing things inside the puddle.
The children took turns in throwing different things they found around the park. There were leaves, flowers, rocks and sticks. Teacher Matt then asked the question, whether they think the object will sink or float. The children started giving their answers. Koen said that heavy things sink while light things float. Fraser replied with “The rock is heavy so it will sink”.


With this experience, the children were able to practice their turn taking skills, both their gross motor and fine motor control and the concept of buoyancy (sink or float) through their play in a natural environment.

Until next time,



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