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Showing posts from November, 2017

The BIG Puddle - 4 Hour Class

  With all the rain that we’ve been getting, puddles outside are inevitable. When we came out to the park last week, the children noticed a very big and somewhat deeper than usual puddle. Some splashed on it while others ran across it. But most of the children were more drawn to throwing things inside the puddle.     The children took turns in throwing different things they found around the park. There were leaves, flowers, rocks and sticks. Teacher Matt then asked the question, whether they think the object will sink or float. The children started giving their answers. Koen said that heavy things sink while light things float. Fraser replied with “The rock is heavy so it will sink”.   With this experience, the children were able to practice their turn taking skills, both their gross motor and fine motor control and the concept of buoyancy (sink or float) through their play in a natural environment. Until next time, Patricia

Loose Parts - Fine Arts and Science M/W/F AM Class

We have been so excited lately because the children have been exploring with loose parts in our classroom and it has been so interesting to see how each child uses them.   The children have constructed many unique creations with the parts.   Sometimes the children will take the parts over to the other areas in the classroom and add to the other activities they are participating in.   We have found them in the sensory bins, in the dramatic areas and a lot of time the children like to imagine they are cooking a variety of foods with the loose parts.   Their imagination is endless when it comes to pretending and improvising.   The children see the loose parts so differently than we do as adults and that is the total beauty of this activity.   Sometimes, it gets messy and we do end up finding pieces all over the classroom but we have to keep in mind that this is the actual process of the materials being moved all around the room and used in a variety of ways.     We have seen t

What are we exploring? Fine Arts & Science M/W/F PM Class

After exploring about pumpkins and more pumpkins, the children have now shown interest in a variety of animals.   We started our journey with farm animals and now have gone on to jungle animals.   They have been exploring the animal’s physical features, how they are similar and different and their habitat.   We have been categorizing in a manner where the children can visually grasp how to group them and trying to make it into a fun game.   This makes it easier for the children to associate similarities and differences of each animal.   By following the children’s interest it allows us to expand more on other areas of learning because we have captured their curiosity.     While we are learning about a variety of animals, we also take the opportunity to learn about numbers, colours, words, social skills, creativity, drama, music, fine motor skills and gross motor skills.   We try to incorporate and tie in other aspects of developing the children while following their lead.   T

Our First Big Buddy Visit – 4 Year Old Class

One of the very favourite activities we have at our Preschool, is our Big / Little Buddy Program. We had our first visit by the Big Buddies recently, and the day could not have been more enjoyable. It was so lovely to see the Big Buddies drop down to the level of the preschoolers, lower their voices and give the preschoolers their undivided attention. They seemed to become innately nurturing, and the preschoolers (Little Buddies) responded accordingly. The children working on Friendship Drawings. The Big Buddies drew a picture in pastel for their Little Buddies, and vice versa:   The classroom was quiet and peaceful as each child was happily engaged with their buddies and the various activities put out for them to enjoy together:     Teacher Jamie brought his guitar, and all the children, big and small, joined in happily singing some old-time favourites:     The children enjoyed having someone available to push them freely on the swing

It's Raining Leaves!!! - 3 Year Old & 4 Year Old Classes

The sudden change in weather brought down the leaves from the trees. On this cold but dry morning we spent most of our outdoor time playing in the leaves. The children enjoyed taking handfuls of leaves, throwing them at each other or in the air, some of the children began hiding in the large piles of leaves. We also went for a walk to collect leaves so we could talk about the color changes that had taken place in many of the leaves we had gathered.     When the children were throwing leaves at each other, it is interesting to watch how each child has a natural instinct to know that it's safe to throw the leaves around and at one another. Could it be the positive response they get from each other. Children, many times follow their instincts as this allows them to make an instant decision based on feeling and the response they are receiving from one another.       Until next time   Jess    

Something Different - 4 Hour Class

On Monday, October 30, when I opened the door to let the children in the classroom, I noticed something different. The children were nowhere to be found. Instead different characters and animals came in the classroom . Queen Elsa and an Angel helped Thing 2 put on more dress up accessories. Luigi came to the art table to draw.           A minion played with the cars.                       Everest ate a cookie at the snack table.                     Skye read a book.                     A firefighter rode on a tricycle.               A dinosaur drove the car.                     Darth Vader came with us to gym as well.                           Even though the children did not come that day. We still had a lot of fun meeting and playing with the different characters and a