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Going on a Classroom Adventure using our Imaginations

In one of our many circle discussions, the children decided that we needed to go on a classroom adventure. The children suggested things they might need on this adventure, placing them inside their pretend backpacks. We talked about being able to carry our own backpacks. How would we carry our backpacks if we brought too much stuff? Would our friends be able to carry it for us? Do they have their own stuff to carry? What would happen if we were unable to carry our backpacks?

This was an adventure so we thought the children would make the decision as to how much stuff they would bring and we would find out what happens as we went along.

 Getting our boots and backpacks on, ready for the adventure!
We are holding our umbrella's open as we go through the waterfall.
Barbi explains about the narrow bridge we are going to cross. Be careful not to fall into the water!

Matthew falls into the water, and the children suggest he needs to swim. Anthony watches to make sure his friend makes it out of the water safely.
We all squeeze through the "Lego Tunnel."
We put on our binoculars to see how far we have left to go.
We climb the very tall wall, some of us reaching quite high.
Taya suggests we step on the rocks (mats), so we don't fall into the water, and are able to make it home safely from our adventure.
The children settle down to weave after their adventure.
After our adventure, Taya enjoys reading the children's favourite book, Peppa Pig, while also working on her weaving.
Superman Anthony says " I know how to do this, my mom showed me how to sew."
Ava uses her fine motor and focus skills as she weaves.
Mia notices her shadow on the way outside. She says "shadow does not look like me." Looking forward to another great circle discussion.

Until next post!



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