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Showing posts from March, 2015

Going on a Classroom Adventure using our Imaginations

In one of our many circle discussions, the children decided that we needed to go on a classroom adventure. The children suggested things they might need on this adventure, placing them inside their pretend backpacks. We talked about being able to carry our own backpacks. How would we carry our backpacks if we brought too much stuff? Would our friends be able to carry it for us? Do they have their own stuff to carry? What would happen if we were unable to carry our backpacks? This was an adventure so we thought the children would make the decision as to how much stuff they would bring and we would find out what happens as we went along.  Getting our boots and backpacks on, ready for the adventure! We are holding our umbrella's open as we go through the waterfall. Barbi explains about the narrow bridge we are going to cross. Be careful not to fall into the water! Matthew falls into the water, and the children suggest he needs to swim. Anthony watch

Fine Arts & Science Class - Exploring Classical Music

Purpose: The purpose of this month long investigation was to inspire expose and encourage the children to explore classical music and some of the instruments that are used to play it. We provided a guitar, piano, violin, drums and a melody harp, as well as triangles, shakers, cymbals, tambourines and a special guest - a cellist named Ingrid. What we discovered and learned about string instruments:  Ingrid demonstrated to the class how different sounds can be created by plucking the strings, striking the strings or moving a bow across them. The length and thickness of each string determines the pitch. The longer and thicker the string, the lower the pitch would be. The shorter and tighter the string, the higher the pitch would be. The children found this fascinating and wanted to try it out for themselves.  Ingrid demonstrates the cello and guitar.  The children loved to touch the cello and noticed how the strings were all a little different.    Trying out the differen

4 Hour Class - ...ING...

This past week was all about the "I-N-G"s. Check it out: build ING Ashton built some volcanoes  thank ING Making a thank you card for Brad at Island Pets mak ING Belly Buttons and birthday cakes. blow ING Bubbles with food colouring for art visit ING Our Grandpals helped us to make dreamcatchers   climb ING Adam chased crows on the rocks at Second Beach search ING Noa searches for beach treasures walk ING From the beach to the park on the sea wall spinn ING At Terra Nova  zipp ING hold ING Holding hands on the way back to the bus Reminding ourselves that we are a big family!!! We are lovING this beautiful weather! We are hopING that it continues this way so we can go on many more exciting adventures!! Thanks, Nicole

4 Hour Class - Lego My Gecko

This past week our class arrived to find a mystery at the lego table: It was empty!!! At first we used it to play with Ashton's Cobra: Then we began to discuss where it went: Domenic: Lego zombies ate it. Weston: A ghost ate it and went into the wall. Clayten: Santa came and put it in his sack. Then we discovered this: The Lego was in the kitchen! But why was it there?   We asked Katie and Stuart, who were cooking in the kitchen, if they were going to cook with it.  They said yes - cookies, blueberry pie, and strawberry cheesecake. We returned to the classroom to talk about this. Is it safe to eat Lego? No What would happen if the Lego got hot when they were cooking it? It would melt. So will they actually cook with it? No - Katie and Stuart were just joking!  Ok - so why was the Lego in the kitchen? What happens to the Lego if everyone is touching it all the time? It gets dirty. It gets germs on it.