During circle time, we came upon a discussion of the foods that we eat. We discovered that many of us eat eggs. So, the next class, we brought in some eggs to further our discussion and investigation. We talked about the many uses of eggs in the foods that we eat. We discussed about egg sandwiches, scrambled eggs, hard boiled eggs, fried eggs and so on. We also talked about foods for which we may not see the true form of an egg -- breads, cakes, pasta, cookies and soup.
We had a scrambled egg taste test in class. The children observed the difference between a brown egg and a white egg. We also examined the egg shells and the membrane inside the egg shell.
Looking at the difference between a raw egg and a cooked egg. | | | |
Investigating a cracked egg shell. "It's smooth inside." |
From cracking eggs to scrambling eggs. Ready to be cooked and eaten! |
Too hot to eat at the moment. "Steam coming out" shouted the children
excitedly. "It's too hot," "Don't touch." We waited for the eggs to cool
down. |
"How do we know if the egg is ready to be eaten? "Touch it. Then we can eat it," "Blow and make them cold." |
Tried it and liked it! "I want more." |
Stay tuned for our next Try It and You Might Like It! session as we open children up to yummy, tasty food possibilities!