I am amazed how the interest in beavers continues to grow. On Wednesday, the children wanted to know more about lodges since we opened the discussion on Monday. We learnt how they sometimes build two rooms within their lodge. We played with this concept, pretending we were beavers, collecting wood and bringing it back to make our lodge. We settled into our different rooms and the children loved being beavers! In a later discussion, Kensie said "It would be cool if they have a living room." and then Rhys said" Maybe they can pretend to sleep in their bedroom." Connor said "Maybe there is a bathroom." to which Makena replied "They pee in the water!" We began to talk about the beaver life cycle so for home research they were tasked with finding out the proper name of a 'baby' beaver. On Wednesday, they came back to school with their research done. When I asked them how they found out the term "kit", they answered the following: ...