We have all fallen in love with mason bees and the children can tell you lots of interesting facts about them. We will paint our houses next week and get ready to put them at the farm. Needless to say, excitement is high. In the meantime, we are now learning about honey bees. The children are fascinated with bees and are deeply intrigued by these intelligent and well developed insects. We discussed their complex society, the job of each bee, what they eat, honey, royal jelly, life cycle and of course, the stings that are often associated with bees. On Monday, we decided that we would play a bee game on Wednesday whereby we could take on the roles of all the bees in a hive. Of course, every girl said they wanted to be the queen so we decided that we would have a meeting to discuss rules and role assignments. Today, as soon as we opened up the discussion Chloe said she wanted to be the queen bee and Alexa then added that she also wanted to be the queen. Chloe responded wit...