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Showing posts from November, 2012

Experimenting with Light and Shadow

turning...leaping...jumping...twirling...spiraling...spinning...crawling...posing...flittering...flapping smiling...turn taking...sharing...arguing...grabbing...laughing...exploring...looking...watching...twinkling Emily
On Monday, we became adopted parents of a dwarf frog. It was given to us by an alumni parent whose daughter no longer wanted it and I suppose she thought I was a vulnerable victim (clearly she was right!) and I said "Yes, we would love it,". Well, there is truth in that because the children already love this little creature. The Junior OSC children made Do Not Touch signs posted near the mini aquarium and our preschoolers made the frog pictures today and wanted to shower him/her with gifts. On Monday I asked them to go home and think about a name for the frog and bring their suggestion back to class on Wednesday. So, this morning we compiled our potential name list, with the understanding that we would be voting on the name. The name suggestions were as follows: Cynna: Badgie Colin: Jack Brooke: Flower Kayla: Froggie Luca: Penguin ( NOT Penguino) Alexa: Flower Bryn: Froggie Cole: Froggie Emily: Ella Zev: Spot Chloe: Eric Cash: Benji Wayne: Jackie The big vote

Farm to Table Dinner Reflections and Eggs...

Our Farm to Table evening with all our families was so  lovely on so many levels. I know all our staff felt very proud of  our class and we were thrilled to share our work with you. The process of getting the dinner organized was intense... both in and out of class. But the outcome could not have been more rewarding;  the sense of community, the learning around eating locally, being environmentally responsible and the knowledge that as a group we can set goals and see them through proved to resonate strongly. We greatly appreciate all your support and spirit. The children were so excited leading up to the event I was very curious to know what stood out for them after the event. Would it be the food? The music? The guests? The tiffins? I really wasn't sure so I asked each child what their favourite thing was about the dinner and these are their answers: Loreli: The Sponge Bob Square Pants song Sidney: The music... I liked dancing with Alexa's brother, Dominic Emily: I like

Beans & Beets

A beautiful day to head to the farm. Sun shining, fresh air and energetic children- a perfect recipe! Upon arriving at the farm, we went for a run which lead us to saying good morning to the chickens ( we are finally learning how to be quiet near the coop) and then to the built in benches at The Sharing Farm where we all find our own special spot, put our hands over our heads and close our eyes. We even tried doing the "stork" position which required a lot of balance. Down we jumped into a circle to work on our observation and listening skills. We closed our eyes and listened. Just listened. We try to do this every time we go to the farm. There were many common themes of birds, airplanes, wind....and one unusual remark of "I heard a bear!" We then decided to go check on the progress of the play area.  We ran, walked, hopped along the pathways with some children noticing that everything "looks brown". On the way to the play area,we saw a coyote. We are no