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Showing posts from April, 2016

From Planting to Helping Friends

  We began the week by planting some scarlet runner beans and bush beans in a clear plastic cup with paper towel so we would be able to see the bean sprouting process over the next few classes.      After the children had a chance to plant the beans and place them on the window sill, they were waiting for it to sprout and found it challenging to understand now that the bean is in sunlight and it has water why is it not sprouting? Lots of great questions and discussions had the children thinking. I decided to read the children a story about The Enormous Potato by Aubrey Davis while they still stood by the window waiting for the beans to sprout!! The story is about a farmer who plants a “potato eye” and it begins to grow and now he needs the help of his family to pull the potato out of the ground. We decided that after planting our bean, imagine the bean grew as big as the potato and we now needed the help of others to pick these beans, so the children had an i

My Garden

Spring is here!   During playtime the children were able to create their garden using different shapes of felt on the felt board.   At circle, we read the book My Garden by Kevin Henkes. In this book, the girl grows chocolate rabbits, seashells, jellybean bushes and strawberries that glow. That is not your ordinary garden!   After the story, I asked the children “ What would you grow in your garden?” They responded through drawings. Boaz - blueberry   Keira: flower   Ruka: flower   Jeffrey: watermelon     Chantel: flowers, ice cream, blueberry and strawberry     Claire: ice cream   Sarah: sunflower   Benjamin: cheese and apples   Chloe F: watermelon   Just like in the story, some children used their imagination in what they wanted to grow in their garden. Anything can be grown! They were also able to enhance their artistic abilities in drawing their pictures.     Until next time, Patricia