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Showing posts from April, 2013

Earth Day with our Dixon Buddies

A few weeks ago, our buddy teacher and I got together to plan some activities around Earth Day. During one of his teaching practicums, Kevin was introduced to the Popcorn Project. It is an interesting exercise that sheds light on the idea of ecology,sustainability and reducing our ecological footprint. The group is divided into four generations; the first generation has only 2 people and then each subsequent generation has more and more people. There is a large mound of popcorn on a communal table. Each person is given a bag and instructed to take as much popcorn as they wish, providing it fits into their bag. The first generation begins helping themselves to popcorn and then the second and so on. Of course, the fourth generation was left with nothing. Some interesting moments occurred during this exercise: The first and second generations mostly filled their bags to the brim. Some people really stuffed their bags while others took barely any. The fourth generation had concerned l

Another Glorious Day at the Farm

These images will tell tales of our day at Terra Nova.... Emily

Waffles & Bumblebees

A week filled with adventure as we set out our mason bee cocoons at the farm, went to Ironwood library, visited Burnett Secondary to play games with Grade 12 psychology students and made homemade waffles. The waffles really were a vehicle for honey. We established we wanted to eat something with honey, in honour of all the honey bees, so we decided on waffles. We ate our waffles outside on the balcony, with a slight drizzle of rain falling, misting our jackets and waffles! Comments made during waffle eating: Little Emily: I love you bees!  The honey tastes like wax. Nicholas: I love you bees but not when you sting me. Loreli: Yummy honey! Wayne: I like the waffle. Cash: I don't like the honey. Luca: I only like the honey. Cole: I don't like the waffle but I like the honey. Alexa: I like it because it is yummy. Sidney: I like the honey the most. Cracking eggs is tricky business! Whisking is so much fun  Adding the dry ingredients We had a l

A Sense of Freedom

A most special week in school. Maybe it is the spring air, maybe it was the time off, maybe it is because we are all growing... but we had so much fun this week. Wednesday We went to the farm with a big planting agenda. I am happy to report that we did get everything planted but not before we.. ran jumped picked dandelions and made bouquets and rings dug in the mud picked up worms looked at birds noticed buds on trees tripped on the paths looked for mushrooms hoped to see the coyote shared sea shells from the depths of our pockets looked at the developing play area walked backwards and sideways made up songs felt the wind We then got down to business and put in lettuce, spinach, peas, carrots, yu choi sum, and beets. Seeds went in rows, seeds were dropped who knows where and we all had a glorious time. We also worked on our bee books, ate lunch and gobbled up delicious purple sprouting broccoli that was generously gifted to us by Chef Ian Lai  from the Richmond Sch